CSS supports a large number of cases for Pacific families who are experiencing violence fueled by unemployment, financial hardship, drug and alcohol abuse and cases stemming from historical, cultural and traditional biblical views on society and disciplines.
Sister Cabrini Ofa Makasiale, through her extensive knowledge and long experience working in the community has formed the "Pacific Living Without Violence" programme for Pacific communities. Cabrini is a Registered Psychotherapist and staff member of CSS. She is a Fijian-born Tongan form the island of Lau now living in a community of Catholic Sisters in Auckland. She is also a New Zealand trained teacher who holds tertiary qualifications in counselling, psychotherapy, spirituality, theology and group facilitation. She has a special passion for fostering leadership roles for Pasifika peoples (especially women) in the "Pasifika Way" adapted to the New Zealand Aotearoa context. Cabrini is the lead facilitator and trainer.
Key Outcomes
Participants will understand that training is a process where skills, knowledge and attitudes are applied in a unique way. The "Pacific Living Without Violence" programme trains participants in initiating and facilitating programmes in their own communities.
Participants of the programme will gain:
- New learning styles and techniques
- Skills to deliver engaging and compelling workshops
- Learn of violence in the community, its cause and learn anti-violence strategies
- Facilitation skills and managing tough topics and situations
Also emerging from these training sessions will be young people and families affected by violence and needing support. Catholic Social services will provide counselling and social services by professional practitioners and staff. The outcome will be keeping children, families and communities safe and for people to take control over their lives free from violence.
Concepts Underpinning the Programme
- Thriving communities dependent on the successful development of others who live within them.
- Loving and safe environment.
- Enables people to love and receive love.
- Participants understand and value all religious beliefs and cultural backgrounds as unconditional and free.
- The person who chooses to love and receive love is God-like and therefore can and will provide a safe environment for the family.
Changing social norms, attitudes and behaviors are essential to enhance ones quality of life.
If you are interested in a course please contact us:
PH: 09 265 0841
Email: [email protected]
or fill in the contact form at Contact Us.
Family Violence
Family violence is an issue that goes beyond our personal views. As a committed Catholic community we must respond appropriately and with compassion.
Our Catholic faith says clearly that there is no place for family violence. Families need to be free from violence to be loving, healthy and strong. Living together in love, without violence, is at the heart of the Gospel.
Catholic Social Services has worked with many families where violence has occurred. In recent years we have been working closely with church groups to prevent family violence. We see this as working with a parish and other church communities, to build fences at the top of the cliff so that fewer people live in fear, or are hurt or killed.
We are committed to supporting parishes and other church communities to become places of safety where families can live without violence.
We offer workshops for people in parishes or other church communities or groups to prevent family violence. We do this by giving information about violence in families and information on how to respond if you are worried about a family. These workshops can be tailor made in order to fit the particular needs of any community in the Diocese and are available to any parish, church community, deanery, interest group, or any other group within the Diocese.
What you need to know
Family violence has far reaching effects on individuals, families, communities and future generations. We are all affected by family violence whether we are directly involved or not.
Family violence is something to worry about if you don't feel safe in your own home with the people who should care about you the most.
Family violence happens when:
- One partner is being physically and/or emotionally abusive towards their partner or former partner
- Parents or caregivers are physically and/or emotionally hurting their children
- Children are involved or witnessing acts of physical or emotional abuse
- Older family members are being treated violently by younger family members
If you or your child are in immediate danger or need to talk to someone immediately, please contact the Police, Ph: 111. Otherwise contact our office: (09) 378 9650 between the hours of 9-5pm, Monday - Friday.